and other Easter Events

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Sunrise Service 2007 ]
EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE: was held on April 11th, 7:00 a.m. at The
Franklin Lock (south side). Everyone brought a chair to sit
on. It was very foggy. This is a community-wide service sponsored by the East Lee
County Churches.
Service and Cantata: was held on April 11th in our Morning Worship
Service (11:00 a.m.)
Other events the same day:
Armstrong Missions March:
Easter Sunday, April 11th (Easter)
Evening Service: April 11th (Easter) |

Sunrise Service was held this Easter Morning
"I am the Resurrection and the LIFE, He who believes
in me will LIVE, even though he dies," John 11:25
Sunrise Message "Jesus Won! We Won!" delivered
by Dr. J. Scott Moncrieff of Buckingham Presbyterian Church.
Buckingham Presbyterian Church, Olga Baptist Church, and Olga-Fort
Myers Shores United Methodist Church participated in the Sunrise Service

National Goal: $54 Million |
The World at Our
Doorstep Week of Prayer for North
American Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.
Week of April 4 - 11, 2004
Olga Baptist Goal: $2,135.00
Received to Date: $2,169.00
Praise The Lord!!! |

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Sunrise Service 2007 ]
This document created by our WebDeacon for Olga Baptist Church on
5/2/04, rev.
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©2004 Olga Baptist Church, All rights reserved.