The VBS Scripture
"The Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of
lords, the great God, mighty and awesome."
Deuteronomy 10:17 (NIV)
"For the Lord your God is God of
gods, and Lord of lords, a great God."
Deuteronomy 10:17 (KJV)

The VBS Motto
One God! One Savior! One Lord!

About VBS
Our Commitment
Vacation Bible School is the premiere outreach
event of the year for many churches. Few other events offer the
potential to reach out to children and adults in your community the
way VBS can. | m o r e |

History of VBS
VBS was the idea of Mrs. Waler Aylett Hawes, a
doctor's wife. Her goal was to get children off the streets of New
York. In 1898 and 1899 Mrs. Hawes rented a beer hall in New York's
East Side to conduct her Everyday Bible School. | m o r e |

Purpose & Principles
Vacation Bible School is a fun-filled spiritual
adventure for boys and girls that provides concentrated Bible study
and encourages real-life application. | m o r e |

For more on our VBS theme and VBS
please visit http://lifeway.com
Our thanks to LifeWay Church
Resources for the wonderful VBS materials and their helpful website.

Return to Olga Baptist
Amazon Outfitters: On Expedition
with the One True God
Come deep into the
Amazon Rain Forest on this Vacation Bible School 2002 expedition of
discovery. Travel through the Amazon region along narrow rain forest
trails, over roaring rapids, down the swift Amazon River, and through
dense tropical woodlands. Listen to the calls of exotic birds and feel
the enveloping mist of the rain forest as you make your way under the
canopy of the broad-leaved trees. As an explorer, you will discover and
experience God as you journey along the Amazon River, deep into the
heart of the rain forest. Outfitters will guide explorers of all ages on
this incredible adventure and explorers themselves will be "outfitted"
to know the One True God. On their trek, explorers will discover that
the One True God is Creator, Provider, Healer, Savior, and Lord of All.
Come join the adventure of Amazon Outfitters: On Expedition with the One
True God.
Few places on earth
evidence so clearly the creative powers of God as does the Amazon Rain
Forest. Here live more than 500 mammals, 175 different species of
lizards, 300 other reptile species, and a third of the world's birds.
Look closer and you may spot one or more of the estimated 30 million
different types of insects that live in the Amazon region. Look at the
towering canopy of trees (which is nine times the size of Texas) and you
will gain an appreciation of God the One Amazing Creator.
Explorers and
scientists still find surviving in the rain forest challenging. The
dense foliage, hot temperature, poisonous insects, wild animals, and
unclean flood waters are among the many reasons why the Amazon Rain
Forest continues to be one of the least inhabited regions in the world.
Here you need more than your wits to survive. You need provisions. Even
the heartiest VBS explorer will soon realize, too, a need for the One
Miraculous Provider, God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Some scientists
believe that within the rain forest may lie the cure for cancer or other
dreaded diseases. The continued discovery of new species of plants,
insects, and animals in the Amazon region may answer medical questions
that have baffled physicians for centuries. In VBS, explorers will soon
see that the God who created this rain forest is also the God who
planned the purpose of each plant, each insect, and each animal. God is,
after all, the One Powerful Healer.
If your plane crashed
in the Amazon Rain Forest and you survived the impact, your worries
would have just begun. How could you possibly find your way through this
wilderness? How would you find water and food? How would you survive the
stinging insects, the harsh climate, and the unseen dangers hidden
within the trees? You would pray to be rescued. However, the discovery
of each person's ultimate need for a relationship with God and His Son,
the One Living Savior, make surviving the Amazon Rain Forest pale in
The native peoples of
the Amazon Rain Forest are like us in many ways. They are also different
in many ways. Each group of people approaches life and its circumstances
differently. But people around the world do have the same basic needs
for love, food, water, and shelter. Each individual has his or her own
goals and dreams. But each individual also has the same need for Christ
and salvation. One of the most amazing facts to be discovered in the VBS
rain forest (or anywhere else) is that we are all different, yet we are
all created by the One Lord of All.
Are you ready for a
life-changing VBS experience? Are you ready to float down the Amazon
River? Are you prepared to hack your way through dense jungle foliage?
Did you bring your canteen of water? And did you bring your insect
spray? If so, read on and let God begin to prepare your heart and mind
for the VBS adventure ahead.
Rob Sanders is
editor-in-chief of children's VBS materials at LifeWay and is a member
of Edgefield Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee.
(Article by Rob
Sanders. Taken from the February 2002 issue of The Sunday School
Leader.) |