Olga Baptist Church
Ladies Fellowship Luncheon

April 18, 2009, 11:30 am at the
Florida Baptist Children's Homes
4551 Camino Way, Fort Myers, FL 33912



April 18th the Ladies Luncheon was held at the Baptist Children's Home here in Fort Myers.

Cathey and Paige gathered the lunch for the ladies and for those at the Children's home and did a superb job.

We had a birthday cake for Virginia, Michelle, Meredith and Lila....the children at the home put candles on it and one of the young residents, Alex, blew them out.

The folks who run the home took us on a tour and the children showed us their rooms, told us about their schedule and how they spend each day.

The wonderful thing for us was to see that these children were getting a Christian upbringing and lots of love....and with all that, the dream of each child there is "to be adopted and live like a normal kid." It grabbed ones heart and made some of us wish we were younger and could help that child with his/her dream. As we go about our daily lives we forget there are many out there who have needs and many who are hurting and brings to mind how much we need to do what we can to ease their hurts, provide them with care and love and pray for them daily.

It was a very impressive afternoon and touched all our hearts as we listened to the young children tell us their dreams. Being there brought to mind Matthew l9:14, But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." We need to do what we can for the Children's Home and the children there, remembering how they seemed to enjoy company......keeping them in prayer always.

Annie Stevens

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Click on small images above to view larger images with captions (Photos by Annie Stevens)


This document created by our WebDeacon for Olga Baptist Church on 04/26/09, rev. 01/06/19
Meet and visit with our WebDeacon and his family at their personal website Meet the Riggs Family
©2009 Olga Baptist Church, All rights reserved.
(Photos and text content by Annie Stevens)