REVIVAL - 2003
Revival was held February 28th - March 2nd. Evangelist Reggie Payte from Hot
Springs, Arkansas was our guest speaker. Reggie not only preached
"The Word of God", but he also sang and brought great joy through his piano playing. Dinner
on the Grounds: followed the morning "revival"
service on March 2, 2003.
Dedication Day was held February 23, 2003, Sunday following the morning worship
BANQUET - 2003 was held on February 8th, 6:00 PM. BBQ Chicken/Beef/Pork/
Dinner consumed. It was a night of Fun, Food, Games and
The 24-hour prayer line, 1 800 554-PRAY or the
is another way to join other Southern Baptists by calling to receive
current missionary prayer requests for immediate prayer.
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The following Bulletin is a GENERIC Bulletin with
limited information. For more complete details, LOGIN and see the
BLAST FROM THE PAST: One of our members, Ben, has taken
up playing the bagpipes... and wearing a kilt. Ben displayed his
newly acquired skills by performing for our congregation in May 2012.
Video clip fails in your browser, then:
CLICK HERE to view as MP4 format.
Jesus Christ was with God the
Father before the world was created. He became human and lived
among humanity as Jesus of Nazareth. He came to show us what
God the Father is like. He lived a sinless life, showing us how to
live; and He died upon a cross to pay for our sins. God raised Him
from the dead.
Jesus is the source of eternal
life. Jesus wants to be the doorway to new life for you. In
the Bible He was called the "Lamb of God (John 1:29). In the Old
Testament, sacrifices were made for the sins of the people. Jesus
became the sacrificial lamb offered for your sin.
Jesus said, "I am the way and the
truth and the life. No one comes unto the Father except through
me" (John 14:6). He is waiting for you now.
Admit to God that you are a
sinner. Repent, turning away from your sin.
By faith receive Jesus
Christ as God's Son and accept Jesus' gift of forgiveness from sin.
He took the penalty for your sin by dying on the cross.
Confess your faith in Jesus
Christ as Savior and Lord.
You may pray a prayer similar to
this as you call on God to save you: "Dear God, I know that you
love me. I confess my sin and need of salvation. I turn away
from my sin and place my faith in Jesus as my Savior and Lord. In
Jesus' name I pray, amen."
After you have received Jesus
Christ into your life, tell a pastor or another Christian about your
decision. Show others your faith in Christ by asking for baptism
by immersion in your local church as a public expression of your faith.
Found on the inside cover of our Explore the Bible Adult Learner Guide
Spring 2001 by LifeWay
How can a person have God's forgiveness, heaven &
eternal life, and Jesus as personal Savior and Lord? By trusting
in Christ and asking Him for forgiveness. Take the step of faith
described by another meaning of FAITH:
Then tell someone about the important decision you
have made. Grow in your faith and enjoy new friends in Christ by
becoming part of His church and attending the Sunday School class a
church has just for you.
Author: Found on the inside
cover of our Explore the Bible Adult Learner Guide Fall 2002 by LifeWay
February Pastor Dennis started a series of messages from the Book of Acts entitled “The
Force”. The book of Acts is a bridge that takes us from the Gospels
and the life of Christ, into the life of the church. The work that
Jesus began in his body continues today by the power of the Holy
Spirit through the church. So, come and study with us and invite
your friends and relatives as we study “The Force”. ~ Bro. Dennis
The Church-Wide Christmas Dinner is for
the entire family.
December 8, 2018
6:00 PM
This is a covered dish dinner so fix
your favorite holiday dish to share with all.
The Ladies School class
will provide a ham.
There will also be fun, games,
prizes, and singing; as well as, a joyous time of Christian
November 11, 2018 your
shoeboxes are due to be turned in!
Our Homecoming
speaker today (Sunday Morning, 10/14/18) was
Bro. David Lathrem
Bro. Lathrem was the
Pastor at Olga Baptist Church from 1976 - 1983.
1959 - 2017
Dinner on the Grounds
following the Morning Service
October 15, 2017
Come celebrate Homecoming with us.
The theme will be “Praise God”. Be sure to invite your
family and friends for a wonderful time of fellowship and praise.
HERE for Photos
Don’t forget
your favorite dish or dessert to share during Dinner-on-the-Grounds
following the morning service
See our church
CALENDAR for latest, changes, updates, and/or more information.
Church Council
September 17, 2017
"Council Members Only"
Family Game Night
October 28, 2017
6:00 pm
"Free Admission"
Join us for board games, and fellowship time at Olga Baptist Church.
Please, bring friends and finger foods. Prepare to have a great
This is a covered dish "Potluck" dinner so fix
your favorite holiday dish to share with all.
There will also be fun, games,
prizes, and singing; as well as, a joyous time of Christian
October 9, 2016
after the
11:00 am
worship Service.
We would like to have a Singing after we eat. If you would like to
sing, play an instrument, read a poem, etc., please see Gail or
1959 - 2015
Dinner on the Grounds
following the Morning Service
October 11, 2015
56th Anniversary
Please join
us after the service for Dinner-on-the-Grounds in the Fellowship
Hall. All were welcome and there was plenty of food for all.
We will be celebrating and welcoming our new pastor,
September 20, 2015
Sixth Annual
Lee Tran/ Publix Super Markets
"Stuff the Bus" food drive
for the Harry Chapin Food Bank.
Shop on
Sunday, Sept. 20th
10 am - 3 pm and donate.
November 8, 2015
Diaper Drive
for "Orphan Sunday"
through the
Florida Baptist Children's Home
and Orphan's Heart.
Please bring a box a diapers or wipes on this Sunday to be delivered
to The Children's Home in Fort Myers that week.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new
person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! ~
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)
Your offering goes to sponsor
the following missions.
Darrell's last Sunday will be March 29th before he retires.
He and his wife, Eunice will be greatly missed. Please join us for a Dinner on the Grounds
following the 11:00 am Worship Service
March 29, 2015
Color It Christmas
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and Week of
1959 - 2014
Dinner on the Grounds
following the Morning Service
was on Sunday,
October 12, 2014
55th Anniversary
Guest Speaker was our former Pastor:
David Lathrem
celebrated a time of Homecoming here at Olga
Baptist Church.
Thanks for joining us after the service for Dinner-on-the-Grounds in
the Fellowship Hall. All were welcome and there was plenty of food
for all.
We observed World Hunger Sunday on August 17,
Vacation Bible School
Friday, August 8 - 6:00m - 9:00 pm
Saturday, August 9 - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Money for the Annie Armstrong Easter
can be given till the end of April
We have collected so far: $1,836.00
Why Give to Annie Armstrong?
Because three of four people in North America are lost.
One hundred percent of dollars given to the AAEO go to support thousands
of missionaries and their ministries in the United States and Canada.
Don't Miss it! Though their stories and methods vary, our
missionaries are doing whatever it takes to share the gospel with North
America. Whether it is starting a new church, meeting the needs of
homeless, or leading Back Yard Bible clubs, missionaries depend on
the faithful prayers and generosity of Southern Baptists. Please
pray for our missionaries and give generously to the Annie Armstrong
Easter Offering®.
was on
JULY 19 – 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
JULY 20 – 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Food, Fun, and Fellowship
was on Saturday March 16, 2013
3:00 -
6:00 pm
or on image above to view the PHOTOS from this event
was held on
Saturday Evening November 10, 2012 5:00 P.M.
Thanks to all that attended and made possible the Hobo Convention
Hobo Supper) this year. We found out it was started by a former
pastor, Bob Miller and was originally named the Hobo Convention.
Entrance Fee:
was a can of vegetables for the pot, a chair to sit in
to enjoy
the fun. Special thanks to those that also brought bread, drinks and
desserts. The rinsed vegetable cans were used as cups/bowls to hold
the hot, hobo stew (pot holders were provided). We also had a
roaring bonfire during the entire event...
Operation Christmas
Child" shoe box were available in the vestibule. Members filled
the shoe boxes with gifts per the
suggestions in the brochure
and placed the rubber band around the box. The church voted to
pay the $7 donation per box if needed. Filled boxes were returned
to our church by November 11, 2012
October 31, 2012
Trunk N Treat
6:00 pm
'til dark
We will still have Bible Study /
Prayer Time at 7:00 pm.
envelopes for the
Maguire State
Mission Offering
are in the pews.
September 9
Grandparent’s Day
September 16 Robert Beckman, Guest
September 16 56 Days of Prayer prior to Election
Please pray for all 2011-2012 Committees that have met or will be
meeting to prepare for the coming 2012-2013 church year that begins
in October.
was on July 15th through 20th
VBS Scripture Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding
is infinite. Psalm 147:5 (HCSB)
Motto Awesome God! Amazing Power!
2012 VBS Theme: Amazing Wonders Aviation Video
Vacation Bible School
July 15 - 20, 2012
Thanks for the prayers and all that helped and volunteered to make the VBS
a success!
The new documentary, "Hunger
Hits Home," takes a first-hand look at the crisis of childhood
hunger in America through the eyes of the parents, children,
anti-hunger activists, educators and politicians on the frontlines
of the battle. The film is part of an ongoing partnership between
Food Network and Share Our Strength's No Kid Hungry Campaign to
end childhood hunger in America by 2015.
With Sympathy
We wish to extend Christian sympathy to Helen Cody and family as
we remember Bill Cody who went home to be with the Lord on January
8, 2012.
No Postage needed!
The Olga Baptist
Church Christmas Card Mailroom
If you have Christmas cards you would
like sent to your church family use our Christmas Card Mailroom in
the foyer.
Olga Baptist
Adult Choir Presented
A Candlelight Christmas
During Sunday Morning Worship Service ~ 12-18-11
December 25, 2011
Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service December 24, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Bible Study: Began June 14, 2010 and and was every
Monday night thru August 30, 2010 at 6:30 pm in our fellowship hall (at
the church).
5th Sunday Sing
at 6:00 PM (discontinued)
In the past we use to come and join in a special music night worship service. It
was sort of an amateur night. Everyone is welcome to
participate. So, tune up that instrument and
clear those vocal cords for a wonderful evening of music, readings
(poems), enlightenment, fellowship, and fun. Service was
usually followed by our "Finger
Food Fellowship".
1959 - 2011
Dinner on the Grounds
following the Morning Service
October 9, 2011
We celebrated a time of Homecoming here at Olga
Baptist Church.
Thanks for joining us after the service for Dinner-on-the-Grounds in
the Fellowship Hall. All were welcome and there was plenty of food
for all.
Family Fellowship Night
Ice Cream Social
Sunday Evening
Aug. 14, 2011 at
6:00 PM
Be sure to join us next Sunday evening for an old-fashioned ice
cream social. There will be good fellowship as we enjoy lots of ice
cream. It has been a long hot summer, and kids will be returning
back to school, so don’t miss out on a cooooool time.
Bring your
favorite ice cream or ice cream topping such as hot fudge, chocolate
syrup, sprinkles, nuts, cool whip, etc.
If ice cream isn’t your thing bring along finger foods. Let’s
make it
a special evening.
Valentine Dinner
Valentine Friendship Celebration
Sunday February 13th, 2011
following the morning worship service
This will be
Covered Dish
The dinner menu will consist of:
Pot Luck
Please come and enjoy.
It should be a wonderful evening of music, games, prizes,
friendship, and love of your fellow Christian Friends.
During the evening worship
service, Tim Motis will be speaking about the ministry of
ECHO. Please Plan to visit
and hear about the wonderful things they are doing.
Guest Speaker
Tim Motis
January 16, 2011
Hunger is an international problem, and the farm and nursery at
ECHO (Educational Concerns for
Hunger Organization) educate visitors on fighting world
hunger. They are an inter-denominational non-profit Christian
organization providing farmers in third world countries with
information and seeds.
Pastor Search Committee
The committee
will be visiting churches to listen to prospective pastors.
Please pray for the committee and our new pastor.
FOOD FELLOWSHIP: This was something we used to do in the
past (2011 or 2010 and prior). It was a Church Dinner (covered dish)
on (5th Sunday) at
7:00 PM immediately following the "Music Night" worship service.
God Rewards Our Work 2004 to 2010 or 2011
is a former ministry of our Church which began
in our church back in January 27, 2004. The
GROW campaign went strong for a few years, but was a ministry which
depended heavily upon volunteers.
GROW is a phenomenally successful outreach program
for many churches and helped us share the good news with those whom we
come in contact with. The GROW campaign uses volunteers to make
phone calls, write letters, make visits, and to be part of a prayer
instructed the church to win the lost, baptize them and make disciples
of those believers.
When people are motivated, mobilized, and focused on the biblical
principals of evangelism and outreach, they become empowered by God's
spirit. Lives are changed, and churches grow.
What is GROW? It is an Outreach and Inreach Program that has been very
successful in other Baptist churches. It is built around five
biblical principals including the principal of sowing and reaping.
We know that when we plant a seed we hope for a harvest. While
not all seed will produce a crop, we also know that if we don’t sow
any seed we can be assured there won’t be any harvest.
Dr. Jerry N.
Tidwell developed the G.R.O.W. (God Rewards Our Work) outreach ministry
and implemented it in both small and large churches.
Under this
proven-effective approach, church members are asked to commit just one
evening each month to outreach...with several different avenues of
outreach from which they can choose. And it's all backed by strong
training that encourages and builds confidence in each participant.
GROW Team Members
volunteer to visit, write or phone. It is your choice...With which
do you feel comfortable? GROW Team Members are obligated to only
one Tuesday evening a month for approximately one hour. But what an
hour!... an hour of fellowship and friendship.
Thanks to Cathy
M. for taking over the responsibility of heading the GROW Program.
Please include her and the GROW Team Members in your prayers.
If you know of
anyone that could use a visit or just a word of encouragement, please
inform Cathy or our Pastor.
The GROW campaign
has been going strong this past year but we are always in need of more
GROW volunteers to make phone calls, write letters, make visits, and
"Grow With God Daily"
1959 - 2010
Dinner on the Grounds
following the Morning Service
October 10, 2010
Thanks to those that attended and celbrated
Homecoming with us on Sunday morning, October 10. Thanks for
inviting your family and friends for making it a wonderful time of
fellowship and praise.
Thanks expecially for your contribution of your favorite dish or
dessert which was shared during Dinner-on the-Grounds which followed
the morning service.
Family Fellowship Night
Ice Cream Social
was on Sunday Night
Aug. 22, 2008 at
6:00 PM
Thanks for those of you who joined
us on Sunday evening, August
22, at 6:00 p.m. for an old-fashioned ice cream social. There was
fellowship and lots of ice cream. It will be a long hot summer, and
the kids will be returning back to school, so don’t miss out on a coooooooool
Bring your favorite ice cream or
ice cream topping such as hot fudge, chocolate syrup, sprinkles,
nuts, cool whip, etc.
If ice cream
isn’t your thing bring along finger foods. Let’s make it a special
Vacation Bible School 2010
Olga Baptist Church
July 26th through July 30th, 2010 - 6:00 to 8:30 PM
The cost for the new parking area is $13,000. If you would like to help
with the cost, please use an envelope in the pew and write “Parking Lot”
on it. Thank you!
Mother's Day - 2009
"Her children arise up, and called her blessed" Proverbs 31;28
PHOTOS of Ladies Fellowship
Luncheon which was at Florida Baptist Children's Homes on April 18, 2009 are now
available... VIEW HERE
We wish to invite everyone to join
us as we celebrate Fall with an evening of Christian fellowship,
music and food.
Entrance Fee is a can of vegetables to add to
the stew pot, but remember you will be eating out of the can so make
it a large one. (If possible bring your cans in any time prior to
the supper so they can be added earlier and simmering in the pot as
folks arrive)
Bring along an extra can for a canned food donation to a local
food pantry for families struggling in our area.
CONTEST: This year we are asking everyone to dress up
as a hobo... there will be a contest for the BEST DRESSED HOBO.
Lee County Public School students return to
school on August 18, 2008. Please be aware of the students
waiting at bus stops or walking on the side of the road. Also be
aware of the big yellow school buses. These bus drivers have to
deal with students entrusted to them...don't make them deal with you
Family Fellowship Night
Ice Cream Social
Aug. 24, 2008 at
6:00 PM
Be sure to join us Sunday evening,
August 24, at 6:00 p.m. for an old-fashioned ice cream social. There
will be fellowship and lots of ice cream. It will be a long hot
summer, and the kids will be returning back to school, so don’t miss
out on a coooooooool time.
The ice cream will be provided, just
bring your favorite ice cream topping such as hot fudge, chocolate
syrup, sprinkles, nuts, cool whip, etc.
If ice cream
isn’t your thing bring along finger foods. Let’s make it a special
Vacation Bible School 2008
Olga Baptist Church
July 21st through July 25th - 6:00 to 8:30 PM
Aloha! Surf's up at Outrigger Island where kids will learn to know,
speak, and live God's truth. Based on Psalm 86:11, this tropical
adventure will help kids develop the stability they need to become
unshakeable in a world of shifting sands.
Scripture: "Teach
me Your way, Lord, and I will live by Your truth." Psalm 86:11 Holman
Motto: Know
the Truth!... Speak the Truth!... Live the Truth!
Vacation bible school will be
here soon and we need to start planning. There will be a meeting on
April 12, 2008 at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is
welcome to participate. The theme this year is “Outrigger Island”.
So gather any Hawaiian-related items you may have, and we may
There will also be a VBS
Clinic given by the Royal Palm Baptist Association on April
24, 2008 at 7:00 PM at North Naples Baptist Church.
CREATION Mini-Series
Olga Baptist Church
presents a
Sunday Evening
Video Mini-Series
March 9th - April 13th
6:00 PM - 2008
Join us for a six-part video series of Ken Ham’s
most powerful talks, challenging the church to uphold the authority
of the Bible in a scientific age. Ken Ham is president and founder
of Answers in Genesis-U.S. and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum
in Petersburg, Kentucky. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand
Christian speakers in North America.
March 9th
Where Did God Come
Defending creation in a scientific age.
March 16th
The Six Day of
A young earth is not the issue.
March 30th
The Bible Explains
The real history of dinosaurs.
April 6th
Only One Race
The scientific and biblical case against racism.
April 13th
Why Won’t They
The power of creation evangelism.
We are in need of poinsettias to
decorate the Sanctuary for the Christmas season.
If you would like the poinsettia plant
back you can pick it up after the Christmas Eve service, but be sure
to put your name on the bottom of the pot.
The Olga Baptist Church Christmas Card Mailroom will be set up soon
in the church foyer.
If you have Christmas cards you would
like sent to your church family use our Christmas Card Mailroom in
the foyer.
No Postage needed! However, if you
would like to make a donation to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
in the amount that you would have spent on postage, that would be
most appreciated.
If you would like to make a donation for
Christmas baskets, use one of the Special Offering envelopes in the
pew and mark it Benevolence Fund.
If you know of a family that could use a
basket let us know.
The Church-Wide Christmas Dinner is for
the entire family.
December 8, 2007
6:00 PM
This is a covered dish dinner so fix
your favorite holiday dish to share with all.
The Mary Hall Sunday School class
will provide a ham.
There will also be fun, games,
prizes, and singing; as well as, a joyous time of Christian
Moon Mission March: Sunday Morning, December 16, 2007
December 16, 2007 - 6:00 PM
Adult Choir
Christmas Program
Covered Dish Dinner
December 19,
6:15 PM
Business Meeting
Business Meeting
November 19,
2007 7:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
December 24, 2007
December 25, 2007
We wish to extend Christian sympathy to the Crick families as we remember
Tom Crick who went home to be with the Lord
on November 14, 2007
at Fort Myers Memorial Gardens
Colonial at Summerlin Friday, 6 to 8 P.M. November 16, 2007
Funeral Service for Tom Crick will be held at the church on
Saturday, 11:00 A.M.
November 17, 2007
Please join the family for a covered dish lunch
fellowship and reception following the service in our Fellowship
Hall. Please bring a
covered dish.
Graveside Service
2:00 P.M.
including military
Saturday Evening November 10, 2007 5:00 P.M.
HOBO Supper
We wish to invite everyone to an
evening of fellowship, music and food.
Bring a can of vegetables to add to
the stew pot; but remember you will be eating out of the can so make
it a large one.
If possible bring your cans in any
time prior to the supper so they can be added earlier and simmering
in the pot as folks arrive,
Please join us as we celebrate Easter with
an old fashioned egg hunt. Prizes will be given and there will be
lots and lots of fun for all!
Please join us for a wonderful start to the Easer Weekend.
National Goal: $57 Million
Mission March
April 8th
Change Your World
Olga Baptist Goal - $3,000.00
2007 North American Missions Emphasis
“For we are
God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which
God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
Your World
by renewing your awareness of the urgent need to affirm, equip,
support those who are making a difference in people’s lives on the
North American mission field. Change
Your World by being active
in sharing the gospel with your families, friends and communities.
Your World by increasing
your awareness of and participation in giving to North American
missions efforts through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Olga Baptist
February 2007 Edition
Now Available to Members (Pick One Up at Church)
We are still hoping to have a church
cookbook soon. We have received some wonderful recipes and are
anxious to get them out to you. We will keep you posted as to a
projected time.
In the are a
couple of recipe's from Granny (Dennis' Mom)
click on recipe names below to view... enjoy!:
The Dominion Trio
Gospel Concert
Sunday Evening February 11, 2007
6:00 PM
Christmas CANTATA
If you are interested in singing in this year’s Christmas
Cantata we would love to have you.
Practice is every Sunday evening at 5:00 PM. What a wonderful time of fellowship and praise.
Donations were received for
Thanksgiving Food
Baskets, through the use of the Special Offering Benevolence Fund envelopes found in the pews.
Florida Baptist Convention
Pastors’ Conference and
Florida Baptist State
was on
November 12-14, 2006
McGregor Baptist Church
January 27 - Bill & Helen C
March 6 - Dave & Diane S
April 12 - Ernest & Alta P
May 31 - Don & Gail E
June 12 - Gary & Karen P
July 4 - Bill & Judi W
July 7 - Robert & Annie S
July 14 - Solon & Bernice D
July 21 - William & Doris D
August 15 - Tim & Paige M 1998
August 15 - Bob & Betty R 1979
August 17 - Clyde & Priscilla Y 1968
August 19 - John & Wilma W
September 4 -
Kenny & Suzette F 2004
September 25 -
Dennis & Virginia Riggs 1971
October 5 -
Ken & Naomi S
October 10 -
Jim & Judy S
October 27 -
Doug & Florence E
October 29 -
Gary & Lynette D November 18 - Bruce & Susan B
November 19 - Ryan & Krista W
December 18 - Richard & Edith D
December 19 - Tex & Joanne R ?
December 26 - Tex & Joanne R ?
January 5 - Karen P
January 11 - Clyde Y January 12 - Jason B January 12 - Katie W January 15 - Judy S January 18 - Krista W January 20 - David K January 31 - Bernice D
February 5 - Dennis Riggs
March 3 - Kay T
March 4 - Lynette D
March 4 - Suzette F
March 6 - Raven J
March 14 - Logan R
March 24 - Ken S
March 28 - Annette R
April 19 - Virginia Riggs
April 21 - Skyla J
April 26 - Lyla S
May 6 - Ann B
May 8 - Mary R
May 12 - Phyllis E
June 8 - Mike M
June 13 - Alta P
June 17 - M. R. L
June 17 - Gail E
June 22 - Bill C
June 24 - Bernie M
June 25 - Jenna D
July 6 - Heather S
July 7 - Carolyn M
July 13 - Helen C
July 14 - Diane S
July 17 - Annie S
July 20 - Joanne R
July 21 - Lonnie M
July 30 - Marva K
August 13 - Jack D
August 17 - LouAnn K
August 18 - Florence E
August 25 - Debra R
August 26 - Solon D
September 2 - Bob R
September 3 - John W
September 5 - Susan B
September 8 - Ken F
September 12 - Priscilla Y
September 12 - Jimmie M
September 15 - Loraine P
September - 16 Ann C
September 25 - Don E
September 26 - Judi W
September 30 - Joella B
October 4 - Ryan W
October 5 - Bob H
October 7 - Cathey M
October 8 - Jim S
October 11 - Gary P
October 14 - Tom C & Wilma W
October 17 - Doug E
October 19 - Scott S
October 22 - Bruce B, Sr.
October 23 - Bruce Y
November 1 - Ernest P
November 4 - Tex R
November 15 - Marge H
November 16 - Jacqueline R
November 22 - Pam M
November 23 - Robert S
November 29 - June C
November 29 - Devyn D
November 30 - Bruce Allen B
December 2 - Naomi S
December 13 - Bruce R
December 18 - Derrick D
December 29 - Judy M
December 30 - Danielle D
If you are a member of our church and your birthday
anniversary was left out, please let us know.
Don't Forget to
Turn Your Clocks
Time Change - Fall Back
October 29, 2006
The 2006 Nominating
Committee needs your prayers and your support.
If you are asked
to help in an area of our ministry, please pray about it and
consider it with an open heart.
Three Good Reasons to Serve Your
Your Christian life needs a
service outlet.
Nothing helps you to grow as a Christian like putting your faith
into practice on a church committee.
You have a testimony to share
with others. The
reason why you are asked to serve is that your fellow Christians
have confidence in you and your ability. Your Christian testimony
will be a good influence in the lives of those whom you lead and
Your church needs you. There is no way for a church
to get its work done unless members volunteer their time. When you
accept a place of responsibility, you help your church move
forward in the name of Christ.
RECEIVED $893.00
The Maguire State Mission Offering makes it possible to carry
out God's call of rescuing the downtrodden and spiritually lost,
reconciling a needy world with the hope found in Jesus Christ and
renewing all believers to fulfill the Great Commission.
The missionary purpose of the
Maguire State offering includes:
Helping new congregations through
church site grants
Supporting pastors in partnership
states and countries
Spreading the gospel through
evangelistic ministry
Developing believers through
youth and family camps
Helping churches in Florida
changing communities
Ministering to migrant farm
Helping rebuild lives after
Carpet Fund
During the
August Business Meeting the church voted to replace the carpet in
the Education Building (the carpet is over 30 years old in that
section), carpet the Fellowship Hall and put new floor covering in
the kitchen. Contributions can be made to the “Carpet Fund”.
Church Cleanup
9:00 am
October 7, 2006
There will be a
Church Clean Up Day to spruce up before Homecoming. There are no jobs to
small. If anything, come for some fun and fellowship
1959 - 2006
Dinner on the Grounds
following the Morning Service
October 8, 2006
Come celebrate Homecoming with us.
The theme will be “Praise God”. Be sure to invite your
family and friends for a wonderful time of fellowship and praise.
HERE for Photos
Don’t forget
your favorite dish or dessert to share during Dinner-on-the-Grounds
following the morning service
Pastor Appreciation
Sunday, October 15,
Join us as we
show our love and appreciation to Bro. Gary Pinkley and Bro. Bob
Rowe, as well as, Karen and Janet
Covered Dish Dinner
October 25th 6:15 PM
Business Meeting.
Business Meeting
October 25th 7:00 PM
August 27, 2006 before Sunday School
9:30 to 9:45 AM
September was the start of the new Sunday School year and
we and we did it with a kick. The kick-off
was on August 27, 2006 from 9:30 - 9:45 prior to Sunday School
time. There was pastries, fruit, coffee, and juice. If you
never attended a Sunday School class or had not been in a while, then
this was the wonderful time for meeting our excellent Sunday School
teachers. There is a class for all ages.
Ann & Tom's
65th Wedding Anniversary
The family of Ann and Tom C. invited us to a celebration of Ann and
Tom's 65th wedding
anniversary. There was a reception in the Fellowship Hall of
our church Saturday, August 12, 2006 at 2:00 PM
For more about the reception
and to view the photos.
Lee County Public School students returned to
school on August 8, 2006. Please continue to be aware of the students
waiting at bus stops or walking on the side of the road. Also be
aware of the big yellow school buses. These bus drivers have to
deal with students entrusted to them...don't make them deal with you
As you travel this summer on vacation
we will be praying for a safe journey.
We will miss you, but will enjoy
hearing vacation stories when you return. If you visit another
church be sure to bring back a bulletin or newsletter.
It is always fun to hear what other
churches are doing.
Where Adventure Meets Courage
Trek north... to
the Arctic Edge, where daily excursions from Big Bear Lodge will
have you hiking across the tundra, exploring the seascape by kayak,
and skimming the backcountry in a float plane. As you test your
limits in the challenges of the vast Arctic wilderness, you will
learn that God is always with you and you will find the courage
required to follow Jesus in the everyday challenges of your life.
Haven’t I commanded you: Be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid
or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:9 Holman CSB™)
Be strong! Be courageous! Follow Jesus!
SERVICE - Here is a picture provided by
one of our members who attended the Easter Sunrise Service on Sunday,
April 17, 2006 at 7:00 a.m. at the Franklin Lock
National Goal: $56 Million
Olga Baptist Goal was $2,750
National Goal: $150 Million ~ Our Goal: $6,600
RECEIVED 2006: $6,098
Groundhog Day (a spin-off
from a former Christian holiday Candlemas). Candlemas,
Feb. 2, was a Christian festival commemorating the purification of
Mary and the presentation of Jesus in the temple.
The name Candlemas was derived from the procession of candles,
inspired by the words of Simeon “a light to lighten the Gentiles”
(Luke 2.32). Early Christians believed that if the sun
came out on Candlemas Day, then there would be six more weeks of
and enjoy a time of friendship, fellowship, and love of your fellow
February 11, 2006
at 6:00 PM
Valentine Friendship Celebration
$8.50 per
The dinner will catered by Boston
Market and consists of:
Rotisserie Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
The above dinner will be provided
but we do ask that you bring a dessert or drink.
This will be a wonderful evening
of music, games, and prizes.
Reservations are Required,
Register Now!
The Dominion Trio
Gospel Concert
Sunday Evening
February 12th, 2006
6:00 PM
Concert: John Schindler March 5, 2006, Morning Service
The concert will feature inspirational gospel music. John’s music and
evangelism ministry has taken him throughout parts of
the United States, as well as, the world
“Everyone Can”
Florida Baptist
State Evangelism Conference
March 6-7, 2006
FirstBaptistChurch, Lakeland
Conference begins Monday at 1:30 p.m. and concludes Tuesday at 5:00
A variety of evangelistic ministries
developed by FirstBaptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland will be modeled during
this Evangelism Conference.
The ministries are “very intentionally
evangelistic. We hope that after seeing these different types of
ministries, churches will realize the efforts could be implemented in
their own community.”
Scheduled to speak at the conference
are: Richard Powell, McGregor Baptist Church, Fort Myers; Tommy Green, First
Baptist Church of Brandon; Ken Whitten, Idlewild Baptist Church, Lutz; and Hayes
Wicker, First Baptist Church of Naples and president of the Florida
Baptist State Convention. They will join Charles Kelly, president of New
Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and Jay Dennis, pastor of the host
RAISING CAMPAIGN 2005 A New Roof for God's House Campaign Goal: $38,800 - Began June 5, 2005
Received: $22,449.85
July 10, 2005
Youth were at X-Fuge
Christian Camp in Panama City (July 6 - 9). They worked very
hard raising funds for this trip. They wish to thank everyone
for their support. Steve and Judy accompanied them to camp.
Hurricane Dennis cut short their stay... they returned a day ahead
of schedule.
June 8, 2005
11:00 a.m.
at our church
A Memorial Service for Mary Roberts was
held at the church on
Wednesday, June 8th at 11:00 a.m.
Friends and
family were invited to the Fellowship Hall for a dinner while the
immediate family went to the gravesite.
The immediate family joined the others following the visit to the
In May 1990 Brother Gary and Karen became an important part of our
We have been blessed during each and every single one of those
wonderful years.
Thank you so very much for all your love and dedication.
High School Graduation Monday May 16th Congratulations 2005 Graduates
Day - 2005
May 30th
Remember Those Who
Gave Their Lives
Fun, Fun, Fun
for the family!
Block Party
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Durrance Boys' Trio
Gospel in Song
April 9, 2005
Bring a lawn chair, sit back, and
enjoy great food, Christian fellowship, and music!
2005 - WE MET OUR GOAL! $2,671.50
Received to Date
Answer His Call
Tell His Story
Change Your World
National Goal: $55 Million
Olga Baptist Goal was $2,500
Your support is most
Rummage Sale
Saturday, April 16, 2005 7:00 a.m.
Corner of Buckingham Road &
Orange River Blvd. (business parking lot of Lee Dean & Sons)
This is a fundraiser for our Youth
Program to attend a Youth Camp this summer. Please support
your youth by donating any unused items you may have laying around
the house. You may bring these items at any time to our
church. Place the items in our Fellowship Hall.
Easter Sunrise Service - 2005
Franklin Lock (South Side)
March 27th at 6:15 a.m.
Community Breakfast - 2005
was held on March 27th
7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
with Reggie Payte
was held on:
Friday, March 11, 2005 - 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 12th - 7:00 PM
Sunday, March 13th - 11:00 AM
Valentine Dinner
Valentine Friendship Celebration
was on
Saturday February 12th, 2005
6:00 PM
cost was $8.00 per
The dinner
consisted of:
Chicken Parmigiana, Baked Ziti, Garden Salad, and Rolls with
Many came and enjoyed.
It was a
wonderful evening of music, games, prizes, friendship,
fellowship, and love of your fellow Christian.
The Dominion Trio
was here
In Concert
Sunday Evening
February 13th, 2005
6:00 PM
Fellowship Night - Ice Cream & Melon Social:
August 8, 2004 @ 6:00 P.M. Homemade ice cream was provided.
Others brought their favorite ice cream topping, melon(s), finger foods,
etc.. It was an enjoyable time of food, fun, and fellowship.
Vacation Bible School took us on an exciting Far East race that
challenged like no other. To obtain the real prize in this
Rally, we sought Jesus as Savior and Lord... and committed to
follow Him throughout the course of our lives. All ages
participated. Thanks for your help making it a successful Vacation
Bible School.
Speaker: Randy Kington a
Vietnam War Veteran was our guest speaker on Sunday, May 2, 2004
It was an
enjoyable time of revival, renewal, and fellowship.
Dinner on
the Grounds followed the Sunday Revival Service.
CLICK HERE for more on the Revival and to
see pictures
Sanctuary Gospel Concert and Dinner on the Grounds:
was on
Sunday, February 22, 2004, 11:00 a.m. (during the morning worship service):
"Ordinary people serving an extraordinary God"
Click on the photo
below to zoom out and view larger version of the trio: Click on the photo above
to zoom out and view larger version of the trio:
Southern Sanctuary
– a mixed Gospel trio based in Mooresville, North Carolina were
in concert at our church. Southern Sanctuary has been ministering the
Gospel message through the medium of Christian music since 1996. The
vocalists are Doug Henderson from Mooresville, North Carolina
singing lead, Sarah Chrisman from Carthage, Missouri singing
soprano and Rebecca Bush from Kane, Pennsylvania rounding out
the trio sound by singing alto. For more information visit the trio’s website at
Following the
concert was dinner on the grounds, which was an enjoyable time of food
and fellowship.
Friendship Celebration Dinner & Gospel Concert:
Was on Saturday, February 14, 2004 at the Church, 6:00 P.M. with
Shawn &
Sherri Critser from Henderson, Kentucky. It was an enjoyable
time of friendship, fellowship, and love of Christ and His love for us.
To view pictures of the Concert
CLICK HERE or on the Concert picture below: For pictures of
the Friendship Dinner Fellowship CLICK HERE
or on the Valentine picture below.
Wishes Fellowship for Annette:
was Saturday, January 17, 2004 at the Church, 5:00 - 7:00 P.M.
Annette has started a new adventure in her nursing career. She
has decided to do travel nursing and her first assignment will take her
to Quincy, Illinois. Your prayers and support are appreciated.
It was an exciting time for her... but a sad time for us. We had a
great time of fellowship, and food of course.
National Goal: $133 million
Challenge Goal: $140 million
Christmas Program - 2003: Sunday, December 21st, morning service.
"From Our Herd to Your Herd"
Cantata - 2003: Sunday, December 14th, morning service
Christmas Dinner - 2003: Saturday, December 13th at 6:00 P.M. A
wonderful evening of food, fun, and fellowship. Thanks to Mary
Hall's Sunday School class for providing the ham. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PICTURES
Reports - 2003: Month of December, Sundays and Wednesdays. We
heard video and/or live reports from missionaries who
see firsthand how God is working - even in the far corners of the world
and we learned how we can join in through our prayers, gifts, and
- 2003:
Sunday, December 7th, morning service. There was a small skit of
international flavor.
Farewell Fellowship for Mike and Pam - 2003: finger foods were
served and the fellowship held Sunday, Nov. 23rd, following the evening
service. We said our sad goodbyes and gave our best wishes to Pam
and Mike. They spent their Thanksgiving here and then left for
their new home in Maryville, Tennessee. We continue to pray God's
blessing upon them.
"Love Offering" for Benevolent Fund - 2003: $557 received to
those in need. Thanks!
Hobo Supper - Fall Festival - 2003: was celebrated on
Saturday, November 15th. 2:30 - 5:00 P.M. was Fun for Kids and
Kids at Heart (games, hayride, bounce slide, and lots more). 5:00
- 6:00 P.M. was the Gospel Concert with the "Sonlight Quartet" 6:00 P.M.
was the Hobo Supper (canned vegetables were brought and added to the
stew pot). Thanks to all those who came and participated. It
was a fun time, the music was uplifting, the games were enjoyable, and
the food was mouthwatering. A special thanks to Lynette, Special
Occasions Chairperson, and all those who helped with the games,
activities, food, etc. Your love and dedication made it such a
special day.
2003: (1959 - 2003) was celebrated on October 12th and the
theme was "The Old Fashioned Gospel" (old fashioned garb, old favorite
recipes, etc.). Special music, great food, testimonies, preaching,
and fellowship! Dinner on the grounds followed the morning worship
Cleanup for Homecoming 2003: Was on October 4th at 9:00 a.m.
Thanks to all those who showed up.
School Promotion - 2003: Was on September 7th
Night Ice Cream Social - 2003:
Was on August 3rd, 6:00 PM. We Beat the Heat! It was an old-fashioned ice cream
social. There was fun, fellowship, and lots and lots of ice
cream (both homemade & store bought) and plenty of toppings. It has been a long hot summer and the kids will be
returning back to school soon... so if you missed this you missed out on a cooooool
from the Youth Class - 2003: We would like to thank everyone who
generously donated to our fundraisers and youth camp needs. If it
wasn't for your support, this trip would not have been possible.
We learned so much about where we, as teenagers,
need to be with God. We came back humbled and revived.
Now the hard part begins...we have to apply this to our real lives.
Please pray for us as we go on this journey, as there will be many
Again, thank you so much for your prayers and
Love in Christ,
Youth Class of Olga Baptist Church
Centrifuge Christian Youth Camp - 2003: June 30 - July 5, Panama City,
FL. They're back! Sounds like they all had a great time.
Chaperones Steve and Judy, along with the youth who attended shared
their experiences with us Sunday Morning, July 6th. It appears
that the camp will be remembered forever and that there were many life
changing experiences as a result. Those who came back were
excited, charged, and ready to share their experiences with everyone.
Bible School 2003:
Praise the Lord for all who helped make this year's VBS a
wonderful success. You did an outstanding job and thank you for a
Job well done. VBS was held June 9th to 13th, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM. Theme
was: The Great
Kingdom Caper "Cracking the Character Code". It was a
wonderful time of learning and fellowship. This year, VBS took the kids on intriguing missions through the vibrant streets of London
and throughout the colorful
British Isles. While on special assignment, sleuths (formerly
known as kids) were led by inspectors (also known as adults) finding and investigating clues that
helped them discover how to live
with Christian character. Cases, codes, and clues led kids to
learn how to live with compassion and kindness, humility and
gentleness, patience and endurance, forgiveness, and love.
Wash & Bake Sale:
was on Saturday, May 10th, 2003 in the parking
lot of the Lee Dean and Sons building at the
corner of Buckingham Road and Orange River Boulevard. Numerous baked
goods were sold. Proceeds to benefit the Youth Group's
summer trip to Camp Centrifuge.
Click on above pictures to view larger versions
See if you can figure out who is most of the work
and who is just playing around?
It was so great to again have a Newsletter for Olga Baptist
Church. Excellent Job! Thanks to all who worked to produce
this newsletter.
Took place on April 12th, 2003
Conference! - 2003:
Took place on March 7th & 8th at the Alva Methodist Camp. Phil Messenger
was the speaker - There was a Steak Dinner - Fun - Etc.!